The Benefits of Aluminium Windows


The Benefits of Aluminium Windows

Aluminium windows have many benefits and over the years they have gained much popularity.

Advances in technology has seen aluminium double glazing rise in energy efficiency. Aluminium windows now have excellent thermal properties and are available in A,B and C energy ratings.

When it comes to double glazing, many home owners recognise the valuable aspects of UPVC windows. Often overlooked, the benefits of aluminium double glazing go unnoticed. However, UPVC is no longer the  only forerunner in the double glazing world.

Architects revel in the versatility that aluminium offers. UPVC profiles are often limited when it comes to design whereas aluminium windows can be moulded into virtually any shape or colour. Their slim sightlines allow for great flexibility when it comes to style.

Home owners can benefit from their flexibility too. No matter the particular style of property, aluminium windows come in an extensive range of style and colour options. Property owners will have no problem finding an array of complimentary designs.

Why Choose Aluminium Double Glazing?

  • Aluminium double glazing can last up to 30 years and more
  • Aluminium windows have extremely slim sightlines, allowing for versatility of design
  • Aluminium is very strong and sturdy
  • The inclusion of a thermal break reduces condensation for improved thermal efficiency.
  • Aluminium windows are available with many different beading options
  • Highly secure. Aluminium double glazing is harder wearing.
  • The perfect option for low thresholds. Aluminium can easily be adapted for wheelchair access and will retain stability over time.

Quality Aluminium Windows | Milton Keynes Double Glazing

At Aspire Windows we can offer you a stunning range of aluminium windows. Our windows come in a wide range of RAL colours. Our wide collection includes something for every home owner and budget.

Contact us today on: 01908 366621 and our friendly team here at Aspire Windows will be happy to help with your enquiry.




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