Aluminium Windows & Doors

Aluminium Windows & Doors

Popular amongst homeowners, our aluminium windows and doors come in a wide range of styles and designs. Due to current advancements in technology, aluminium windows and doors are now highly energy efficient – available in energy ratings such as: A,B or C.

Aluminium windows and doors are incredible strong despite their slim sight lines, and will last for many years – no matter the weather conditions. Their versatile design enables them to be worked into any type of frame.

Flexible in style, aluminium is available in many colours and designs. Frequently used within modern and commercial properties, this lightweight material can be formed into virtually any style or shape.

Providing you with effective thermal insulation, our stylish aluminium windows and doors will help keep your property warm, keeping the cold air outside where it belongs.

Here at WIS, we can offer you a wide range of aluminium windows and doors. You can browse through our attractive collection online, courtesy of our online quote builder.

Our online quote builder allows you to get instant online prices for your aluminium windows and doors. You can even create multiple online quotes, comparing products and prices in order to come to a well informed decision on your double glazing.

Simply enter your double glazing measurements into our online quote builder to receive a unique quote within a matter of minutes. Click here to start your free online quote.

What We Offer

  • All our aluminium windows and doors are fully compliant with building regulations for thermal transmittance
  • Our windows and doors exceed the British Standards rating (BS6375 Pt1) and are excellent in weather and sound performance
  • Our windows and doors come with high security features such as internal and external beading which will help keep your home safe and secure
  • Our aluminium windows and doors are available in a variety of dual colour options, as well as a range of colours and finishes.

WIS has helped many customers get quality double glazing for their homes and with over 20 years experience within the industry; we are a company you can trust.

For more information on our fantastic range of aluminium windows and doors, please call us on: 01908 366621 and a friendly member of our team will be happy to help with your enquiry.

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